Radio and outdoor activity launched today (24 May).
Tesco is relaunching its entire range of ready meals and as well as revamping the recipes, it has also overhauled the packaging. This follows the recent launch of the retailer's Everyday Value own brand range.
The first lines to be upgraded are the Indian, Oriental and Tex-Mex range, with these meals including 20% more meat.
David Harman, Tesco ready meals category buying manager, said: "As well as adding more meat, we'll be using higher quality sauces, herbs, pasta and rice – all at no extra cost to customers."
Some 300 dishes will be upgraded within these three ranges, including best-sellers chicken tikka masala, korma and jalfrezi.
The new packaging features "bold" colours and images to clearly differentiate the various cuisines, including an elephant design in classic purple for the Indian curry range.
Tesco's new ready meals will launch with a two-for-£5 promotion. The second phase of the relaunch later in the year will involve the upgrade of 700 more ready meals.
Follow Matthew Chapman at @mattchapmanUK
Tesco extension is set to be refused - Bedford Today
SUPERMARKET bosses are likely to be refused planning permission at their proposed new store opposite Bedford Hospital.
Bedford Borough Council planning committee will hear an application by Tesco on Monday (May 28) to build a sigle and two-storey rear extension to The Crown pub in Britannia Road.
Although the firm does not need planning permission to change the use of building from a pub to a supermarket, it does need council permission for its extension.
The report by council officers says: “Permission has twice been refused for extensions to the public house to provide potential for A1 (retail), A3 (restaurant/cafe) and A4 (drinking establishment).
“The first application was refused on grounds of the bulk, massing and architectural detailing of the proposed extension, inadequate vehicle and cycle parking and inadequate turning space within the site.
“The second application is currently subject of an appeal.”
The officers’ repor tsays that, although planning permission is not required as the site was previously a pub, “if planning permission had been required for the use, it would be recommended for refusal”.
Officers have also criticised the store’s parking plans.
The size of the extended building would need a minimum of 15 spaces, but Tesco’s plans are for nine spaces plus one disabled bay.
When deliveries occur, this would be reduced to six available parking spaces.
Tesco pushes virtual clothes in small London stores - Marketing
The partnership will make the F&F collection available to buy in central London stores, which do not have the floor space to display the clothes, for the first time.
F&F clothing designs will appear in the windows of the Covent Garden, Dean Street and Tooley Street stores, allowing passers-by to purchase the clothes directly from their smartphones.
Passers-by who have the Aurasma app can point their mobile at one of the windows to view a virtual showcase of the F&F range on their device.
Viewers can then tap to purchase the item on display.
Emily Shamma, Tesco clothing online director, said: "Our smaller central London stores aren't big enough to have clothing ranges, so this is a great opportunity to help us to reach new customers.
The launch of the partnership comes at a difficult time for Autonomy, the company behind Aurasma.
Mike Lynch, Autonomy founder and chief executive, has resigned from the company amid confirmation that Hewlett-Packard, which bought Autonomy in October, would be cutting 27,000 jobs.
Follow Matthew Chapman at @mattchapmanUK
There are 1 comments to this article
2 applications refused Third application gives false information re bus timetables and adjacent parking in the hospital car park. (who would catch a bus to an Express store anyway) Amended third application STILL gives wrong bus information and use of hospital car parks. Who do they think they are that the believe they do not have to provide correct information
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