Tesco's Phone Shop is now running an offer which will allow you to cash-in your Clubcard Points and get double the value towards the cost of a new smartphone.
Regular shoppers at Tesco supermarkets who have a Clubcard can take part in the ‘Summer Clubcard Voucher Exchange' and buy a variety of handsets from the Tesco Phone Shop.
The deal means your Clubcard points are effectively doubled, cash-in £50 worth of Clubcard points and you can get £100 off an up-front payment for a brand new smartphone, for example.
Amongst the handsets available is the iPhone 4S, which can be had on contract with O2 with unlimited texts and 500MB of data for £21.50 per month and £100 worth of Clubcard points, saving £100 from the usual price.
Samsung's Galaxy S2 can be had for £13.50 per month with unlimited texts, again on and O2 tariff for £50 worth of Clubcard points.
BlackBerry fans can get hold of the Bold 9900 on O2 with unlimited texts, 200 minutes and 500MB of data for £21.50 per month and £50 worth of Clubcard points.
There are plenty of other handsets available through the deal as well. The offer is set to run for one month and ends on June 13 2012.
Source: www.knowyourmobile.com
Sussex Police plans to scrap compulsory retirement policy - The Independent

Chelsea Flower Show 2012: The winners
Of course, gold is the top honour, but that shouldn't detract from the other medals. If someone wins...
Source: www.independent.co.uk
Sussex Police announce review on controversial forced retirement rules (From The Argus) - The Argus.co.uk
Sussex Police announce review on controversial forced retirement rules
10:05am Wednesday 23rd May 2012 in News By Rebecca Evans
Long-serving police officers facing forced retirement could be spared under new proposals. Sussex Police will recommend to the Sussex Police Authority that rules which force officers to take compulsory retirement after 30 years service be withdrawn from September.
Thirty new officers will also be recruited at the beginning of next year it was announced today. The controversial rule – Police Regulation A19 – was introduced last year as the force looked to make £52 million of cuts by 2015.
Commander of Brighton and Hove Chief Superintendent Graham Bartlett was among the 53 officers who would have been forced to retire if the rules had remained in place for the coming year.
Critics, including crime writer Peter James, said the rule meant the loss of the most experienced officers in the force and was a waste of the investment in years of training. Marion Fanthorpe, director of human resources, said because of savings made elsewhere Sussex Police has reduced the number of officer posts it needs to axe from 500 to 400.
Staff posts have also been reduced from 550 to 450.
She said: “It is with regret that we have had to lose a number of excellent officers, however it has been crucial for us to be able to make the necessary level of savings needed by 2015, given the rates of natural turnover of police officers.
"Along with faster than expected progress on making savings, we have also found higher levels of savings from areas other than direct post reductions than we originally anticipated.
"In light of this progress Sussex Police is proposing to the SPA that the force is in a financial position to end the use of regulation A19 from end of September 2012.
"We still have a long way to go to find all the savings we need, however it is good that we are now in a position to take these two positive steps."
The new officers will be selected from 98 candidates Sussex Police has kept in a recruitment pool.
They are expected to start by May next year.
Source: www.theargus.co.uk
Sussex business chief's shock exit stuns bosses (From The Argus) - The Argus.co.uk
Sussex business chief's shock exit stuns bosses
4:30pm Tuesday 22nd May 2012 in News By Bill Gardner
Business leaders have reacted with shock after Sussex’s chamber of commerce announced the departure of its chief executive.
Sussex Enterprise last night announced that after an “extensive review of all operations”, boss Mark Froud would be “moving on to new challenges”.
Trevor Freeman, chairman of Brighton’s Federation of Small Businesses, said he was “very surprised” by the news.
He said: “I personally thought that Mark did a really good job. He was excellent at what he did.
“We had noticed that he had stopped coming down to the local economic partnership meetings so we were wondering what was going on.
“But you always knew where you were with Mark and it’s certainly a shame that he’s gone.”
Mr Froud led Sussex Enterprise for almost ten years after first joining in 1996 as director of economic research.
In 2001 he became director of policy responsible for planning and media relations before becoming chief executive in 2002.
When the coalition government scrapped regional development agencies, Sussex Enterprise lost a contract to deliver advisory services and a large chunk of its income.
Mr Froud caused controversy in February when he said residents and businesses in East Sussex had “lower aspirations” than those in West Sussex.
Peter Jones, chairman of East Sussex County Council, said he had disagreed with Mr Froud on many occasions but was sad to see him go. He said: “When he said what he said about East Sussex we had a face-to-face conversation and sorted it out. That’s the way it was with Mark. He has put a lot of effort into his work so I’m surprised that he has gone.
“But I would say that in Sussex we are seeing a resurgence of local chambers of commerce so I think Sussex Enterprise now has to find a real role for itself.”
A Sussex Enterprise spokeswoman said: “Sussex Enterprise has over the last few months undertaken an extensive review of all operations and concluded that major changes are needed to re-emphasise and expand our core membership services.
“In today’s difficult trading conditions companies of all sizes need the opportunities to come together regularly and share information, learn from each other and find new ways to improve their businesses.
“Mark Froud who led the organisation for many years will be moving on to new challenges and we all wish him well.”
Hovite says...
5:21pm Tue 22 May 12
Morpheus says...
10:54pm Tue 22 May 12
michael.evans says...
12:02am Wed 23 May 12
Tailgaters Anonymous says...
1:30pm Wed 23 May 12
onedaytheleftwillburn says...
2:15pm Wed 23 May 12
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