Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Sussex skies light up as the Jubilee beacons blaze - The Argus.co.uk

Sussex skies light up as the Jubilee beacons blaze - The Argus.co.uk

Sussex skies light up as the Jubilee beacons blaze

Night skies glowed as dozens of Jubilee beacons were set ablaze across Sussex.

Thousands of people flocked to watch the fires on Monday night which formed part of a ‘chain of light’ to celebrate 60 years of the Queen’s reign.

In Brighton and Hove, a trio of fiery beacons were lit in Rottingdean, on Hove promenade and on Brighton seafront.

The fires were lit by the mayor of Brighton and Hove, Bill Randall, council leader Jason Kitcat and the Royal British Legion.

Near the Palace Pier, crowds danced to music from brass band Fanfara and steel band Euphoria.

Dozens of other fires were lit across the county.

In East Hoathly, a 30ft wooden sculpture of Britannia complete with trident, shield and helmet was set ablaze. Sculptor Keith Pettit took three weeks and three lorry loads of scrap wood to make the female warrior before it was burned to the ground.

The beacon at Shoreham Fort took a while to get going despite the efforts of East Worthing and Shoreham MP Tim Loughton.

After the event, Mr Loughton joked on social networking website Twitter: “We got the beacon alight eventually – aided by a Calor Gas blowtorch – but it was worth it.”

In Bognor, a Royal British Legion brass band played as a beacon was lit on the Place St Maur. Sky lanterns were released into the sky along with 60 helium dove balloons.

Scouts and Guides led the celebrations in Littlehampton with a colourful procession along the seafront led by a marching band.

Afterwards the mayor of Littlehampton, Coun Emma Neno, lit the flame, helped by the winner of a children’s fancy dress contest held in Mewsbrook Park.

Revellers in Seaford were treated to a hi-tech laser show at Seaford Head before the traditional beacon was lit by laser from the ancient Martello Tower above Seaford Museum.


billy goat-gruff says...
12:34pm Wed 6 Jun 12

why no beacons at Ditchling Beacon and Firle Beacon? billy goat-gruff

Source: www.theargus.co.uk

Council criticised for not flying Union flag (From Watford Observer) - Watford Observer

UKIP chairman criticises council for not flying Union flag in Charter Place

Watford Borough Council has been criticised by for the lack of a Union Flag at the Charter Place shopping centre over the Diamond Jubilee weekend.

Renie Price, the chairman of Watford UK Independence Party, said she did not feel the council had made enough of an effort to mark the Queen’s sixtieth anniversary on the throne.

However the council said it had a Union flag on the flagpole at the town hall to mark the occasion as well as bunting and flags draped from the building’s balcony.

The council said there was no flag at Charter Place as it does not have a flagpole.

Ms Price said:"I was on the UKIP stand, at the Watford live event in Charter Place [on Saturday], on the weekend of the Queens Diamond Jubilee.

"Although it was a dull day, there was a great turn out and we got a fabulous response from the numerous people we got to chat to and a good day was had by all. "The only thing missing was the presence of a Union flag. It seems that our Dotty and Watford Council haven’t made any effort to celebrate this once in a life time opportunity." Following the criticism a spokesman for the council, Mark Jeffery, said: "On the town hall flag pole we had the Union Flag and also had flags on the balcony, which we do not usually do.

"There is not a flagpole at Charter Place."

The criticism comes after four days of pageantry and street parties across south west Hertfordshire to celebrate the monarch’s landmark.

Ms Price added: "Many people I spoke to at the Watford Live event, commented on the lack of presence of our Union Flag."

"I think it’s a disgusting show on the council’s behalf. This is after all still Great Britain, and the Queen is still our sovereign."


ab11uk says...
1:55pm Wed 6 Jun 12

Absolute Disgrace ab11uk

Source: www.watfordobserver.co.uk

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