By David Thomas


One sunny day, a Google camera car drove past my house in West Sussex, taking photos for its Street View project. It snapped my garden wall, my front gate, my garden and several angles of the house itself.

Those clever people at Google didn’t ask me if I wanted them to do this. They didn’t ask anybody.

They’re Google. They do whatever they like.

When the pictures went online, they provided any would-be burglar with a handy guide to the best ways into my home. What I did not realise until very recently, however, is that the first ‘burglar’ to benefit could have been Google itself.

Taking more than pictures: A Google street-mapping car in Bristol

Taking more than pictures: A Google street-mapping car in Bristol

The Google logo, as civil rights campaigners have warned that people are

Many civil rights campaigners have warned that people are in the dark about how Google's new privacy policy could affect them

For the very same system that collected all the photographic data was also acting as a high-tech bugging device, potentially harvesting data from my family’s computers.

At the time Google snooped on me and my family, a few years ago, I was working from home as an author, so the information might have included financial discussions with my agent, or research for the thrillers I write, ranging from possible locations for presidential assassinations to the construction of small-scale nuclear bombs.

There was a wealth of personal information, too, including confidential correspondence with doctors.


And I am not alone. Millions of Britons may have been victims of Google’s insatiable hunger for personal information.

When it was first suggested in 2010 that Google might have done this, the company initially said it wasn’t true. Then they claimed it was an unintentional mistake; a mere oversight.

Back then, Britain’s privacy watchdog, the Information Commissioner’s Office, whose job it is to investigate such activities, did not think it was worth hiring a computer expert to investigate Street View. Instead, they spent just two hours looking at a sample of the information Google  had collected.

Google street view: The very same system that collected all the photographic data was also acting as a high-tech bugging device

Google street view: The very same system that collected all the photographic data was also acting as a high-tech bugging device

The Grand Canyon is just one of the worldwide sites which could be revealed in great detail by Google's new contraption

Taking over the world: The Grand Canyon is just one of the worldwide sites which could be revealed in great detail on Google

After that, the ICO accepted Google’s claim that the data trawl was a ‘simple mistake’. It decided there was nothing to worry about, and gave Google permission to destroy any other potentially incriminating information it had stolen.

Now, at last, the ICO is to undertake the serious, hard-hitting investigation into Google that it has long avoided.

The allegation against Google boils down to this: their cars scanned for wireless networks as they drove up and down Britain’s streets, detecting  wi-fi signals and capturing any information that was being transmitted or received by computers without password protection that were online at the time.

Many systems might have been idle. Others would have been used for entirely trivial purposes. But as a public letter from ICO to Google makes plain, evidence from America suggests that ‘millions of unknowing internet users’ may have been affected.

The information stolen included private, sensitive material such as ‘full user names, telephone numbers, complete email messages, instant messages, logging-in credentials, medical listings, legal infractions, information in relation to online dating … and data contained in video and audio files’.

Google executives knew the Street View software was actually written in such a way that it allowed it to collect personal data.

Last month, a report by America’s Federal Communications Commission revealed that the man who designed it — a British computer scientist, Marius Milner, who now lives in California — repeatedly warned his bosses from 2008 onwards that it breached people’s privacy and called for an internal review of the legal implications.

The one question that neither the ICO, nor anyone else appears to have asked Google is why they needed to have any data-capturing software on their Street View cars at all.

The purpose of the cars, they claimed, was to photograph every street in the country — an intrusive enough business in itself. For that, they required cameras. That’s all. But Google captured digital data. So why did the cars have this capability?

Now, you might very well say it was my own fault that my data was vulnerable to being stolen: I should have put a password on my wi-fi system. But, naively, like millions of others, I never saw the need.

Google's own Privacy Policy brazenly informs users that the company will 'automatically collect and store certain information' but few of us read this, let alone comprehend what it really means

Google's own Privacy Policy brazenly informs users that the company will 'automatically collect and store certain information' but few of us read this, let alone comprehend what it really means

I live in the countryside. The nearest neighbours are an elderly couple hardly likely to hack into my system. Besides which, why should anyone be obliged to anticipate the amoral acts of multinational corporations? Should we really be expected to guard against an enemy we didn’t know existed?

This isn’t about hiding immoral activities or matters of public interest. We all have the right to keep our personal correspondence, finances and medical histories private.

Or we did, anyway. Now the very concept of privacy is denied by the all-seeing masters of the internet. And in many ways the issue of whether one chooses to put a password on one’s computer is neither here nor there. From the moment we turn on our computer, iPad or smartphone we are effectively broadcasting considerable amounts of our lives to the corporations watching over us all.


Google’s own Privacy Policy brazenly informs users that the company will ‘automatically collect and store certain information’. This includes, among many other things, ‘details of how you used our service, such as your search queries’. So they know exactly where you’ve been looking online.

The reason Google does all this snooping is very simple: to make money. In a world in which virtually all online content is free, the only way technology companies like this can make the vast sums they do is by harvesting personal information and then selling that to advertisers.

Google has become too big and too powerful for its own good. It is worth 120 billion, yet pays virtually no UK taxes. Its UK turnover is 2.1 billion, yet it pays UK tax of just 5 million.

All-seeing: Google's StreetView Trekker backpack camera

All-seeing: Google's StreetView Trekker backpack camera will now allow Google to capture what it's cars and planes can not

It shrugs off the attempts of national governments to regulate or punish it. And it is subject to none of the transparency that it forces upon those of us who use it.

The time has come to say: ‘Enough!’

The Data Protection Act of 1998 states that personal data may not be obtained or processed without the consent of the ‘data subject’. The Street View camera cars did clearly breach that Act — just as Marius Milner warned it would.

Now, in order to get any damages for a breach by a company like Google, one has to prove it led to a financial loss on your part, which would be very hard to do.

However, if the ICO concludes that Google is guilty of a serious breach of the Act, it could fine the company up to 500,000. But there is a loophole that means any penalty placed on the company could be much lower, because until April 2010 the maximum fine for breaching the Act was 5,000 — and the majority of data was collected by Street View cars before that time.


Clearly, Google did steal data. Equally clearly, it would be very hard to prove any specific case, particularly since it appears the evidence has now been destroyed.
But there is something we can do — and I mean to do it.

The Data Protection Act gives us all the right to demand the information an organisation (whether public body or commercial corporation) holds about us. It’s called a Subject Access Request. It costs between 2 and 10, and a reply must be received within 40 days.

Do you know who's looking into your home: Google may have personal information on you without your knowledge

Do you know who's looking into your home: Google may have personal information on you without your knowledge

So I have decided to make my own small stand against the Google monster. I want to know what it knows about me, and what it might have stolen. If the Street View cars stole data from my system, and it hasn’t yet been destroyed, then I want to know what they’ve got.

And if Google has been passing my personal information on to third-party companies so they can bombard me with advertising, I want to know about that, too.

It’s our right to know what others know about us. So I urge all the readers of the Daily Mail to join me. Tell Google you want your secrets back.

Do you think Google  took your private data?  Email us at privatedata

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have not been moderated.

If you leave the back door unlocked then someone can walk in simple - David, Suffolk, 14/6/2012 0:02......................... That doesn't in any way make it acceptable to just walk into a stranger's home if their door is unlocked, does it?

Use ethernet simple, any wireless connection can be hacked trust me it's easy using a linux based laptop and certain software freely available on the net . Do not use wireless period run powerline adapters or cable if you must run wireless make sure you have a good router and use mac address filtering .be warned .

Dear Mr. Thomas: As a paranoid, I find you completely bonkers. - Rich, Newberg, Oregon, USA, Spot on Rich. But you need to understand what a bunch of prurient, obsessive curtain twitchers live in Southern England. What have they got to hide?

I always thought that if you had a cctv camera and pointed it at a public street, you were committing a crime by violating a persons civil rights. So what is the difference with this!!!!!!!.

Dear Mr. Thomas: As a paranoid, I find you completely bonkers.

We all accept that there will be a few people walking past our house each day. But do we expect what Google effectively allows - millions of onlookers with periscopes outside our home?

Enough has already been said about not having security on your wifi network. How much data could they actually collect in the time a car takes to drive past a house? I suspect not a great deal. We all expect the services from these big Internet companies free so should expect to have to pay in another way with our browsing history etc etc and having to view ads targeted to us through this data. The alternative is to use different browsers, turn off cookies etc. - or maybe someone should launch a privacy respecting service with no ads on a monthly subscription?

Never in my life have I read such scaremongering paranoid tripe. Seriously DM is this the standard?? Number 1: if you are stupid enough to use an unsecured, unencrypted network at home then you deserve everything you get. Number 2: google stealing personal data, thats a pretty strong accusation, what you are saying is they hacked into your data stream that is between your router and your machine, stripped out the relevant data in the packets and reassembled them you figure out what you were doing. Utter rubbish! they initiated a handshake with the router and determined its MAC and SSID, something any laptop does when searching for networks, they simply use to to help in improving location services, they did not take personal info. And most laughably number 3: burglars using street view, haha for what to get a vauge idea of what your house looks like 3 years ago, i'm no burglar but i am fairly sure that they will go and case out your security in person before they try to break

I'm pretty sure google are allowed to photograph the streets as they are on public property, they can take what they want.

At the end of the day you should have put a password on regardless of how far your neibours are, you wouldnt have a house with no lock on your front door, or have no pin on your debit card, its peoples own faults if you never protected yourselfs, and if you have nothing to hide whats the problem, in my opinion its your own ignorence that allowed their access. People say they dont know the risks when if your purchase a wifi device it clearly states how to set security measures and the risks of not setting any.

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